Address: Dynamis|Kraken: Shirogane, Ward 12, Plot 30

If you find interest in joining please use the Discord link provided at the top of the page!

Home to martial artists who specialize in controlling aether with breathing techniques. Practitioners of the Style of the Fang, and many other branches of martial arts. Most famous for frequently being challenged by rival schools & single warriors looking to test their skills.

When Haruto Ashitaka was in his youth, he ventured across Othard and Hingashi accompanied by a fellow samurai named Musosai. In time, Musosai earned the infamous title of Kogarashi. The crime attributed to him was the creation of a killer; his disciple committed multiple assassinations of prominent Hingashi officials. Under local law, Kogarashi was deemed equally culpable for these grievous acts.

After Musosai met his end at the hands of his own pupil, Haruto, now residing in Eorzea, learned that his old friend had faced his ultimate fate. Motivated by the news, Haruto decided to return to Kugane, where his family's dojo also functioned as an orphanage and a training ground for both body and mind. It was then that Ryu Ashitaka persuaded Haruto that The Style of the Fang should be shared beyond just Clan Ashitaka. Consequently, the Ashitaka Dojo was established!

More Information!

After defeating challengers, members usually transport them to Dr. Moira at the Clinic, where they are treated using many healing methods, acupuncture, and the check-up table. Physicians tend to injuries and charges a fee to help cover the clinic’s expenses.

Students, staff, and guests have the option to dine at the Cafeteria, where the head cook, Daisuke, is often found directing the kitchen staff loudly.

An Indoor Garden is available for all visitors to enjoy. Within the garden, there is a flower shop. Gardeners may come and go as part of their duties there’s no need for concern.

- The dojo’s Forge is equipped for blacksmiths and clothiers.Contact Kitara for all your clothier needs.

- The dojo’s Shrine has many uses one can find Shrine Attendants passing out blessing to those looking.

Student Handbook!

Dojo Etiquette- Stepping into a Ashitaka Dojo for the first time is understandably disorienting for many adventurers.  The students are dressed in odd costumes, bowing and grunting toward one another, and the teachers give commands using unfamiliar Eastern terms.
- Ashitaka Dojo is certainly no ordinary gymnasium.  Visitors should treat the Dojo as they would a classroom, waiting politely and patiently for a student or instructor to find an appropriate opportunity to break away and assist them.
- Students should treat the Dojo with much respect, training in the martial arts is demanding, but equally rewarding (Rp) members should strive to become mentally and spiritually strong, with a clear mind and an indomitable will.
- Give your best effort in class, practice each day, and set personal goals to help you to see the progress you are making while in (Rp) sessions. Your instructors can show you the way, but ultimately you must walk the path.
- Understand your responsibilities as a student, and show character in all aspects of your training. Students must be in the right frame of mind to meet these demands and maintain concentration & self-control


- Oversees & assists everything that goes on inside Dojo- Searching for his replacement.


- Teaches class on their own- Roll model to the other Ranks below them.- Selects a pupil/s to train under them.


- Complete the Seven Virtues training- Attend class


- Clean & Polish- Sweep & Mop- Feed & train chocobos- Help tend the indoor garden- Help out anywhere with odds & ends

Ashitaka Dojo Student's

Name:Rank:Seven Virtues:Style:
Hiroko Hiyashi Select NameStudent4th Rei - RespectNinjutsu/Kyudoku
Lunamaria Alacrius Select NameStudentCompletedKendo


  • In-House Physicians

  • Check-up Table

  • Alchemist station

Sleeping Quarters

  • Bedrolls

  • Shower & Bath

  • Bathroom

Indoor Garden

  • Koi Pond

  • Gardener Station

  • Spare Room


  • Food / Beverage Stand

  • Lunch line

Kyudoku Dojo

  • Kyudo Training

  • Target Range

Dressing Room

  • Unisex


Far Eastern Smock: White Dye
Rakshasa Hakama of Striking / Long Skirt((can also wear black pants)): Black Dye

Far Eastern Smock: White Dye
Rakshasa Hakama of Striking / Long Skirt((Can also wear black pants)): Black Dye

Kitchen Crew

Head Chef: Daisuke Kato Select Name

Cook: Hiroko Hayashi Select Name

Zhi Ming (Black Tortoise) Jian Bing (White Tiger)


Physicians / Healers

Head Physician: Moira Kagon Select Name


Moira Kagon

Age: 30
Gender: Female
Physical Appearance: Female Xaela with horns facing backwards, ice blue eyes with bright limbal rings, cross style scale pattern starting at her forehead and extending down to the start of her nose.Height: 5 Fulm 5 Ilms
Weight: 130 Ponze
Peaceful/violent: Peaceful
Weapon of choice: Various
Style of combat:

- Member of the Kagon tribe until she broke the rule the goddess had given the tribe of not stepping outside during daylight. She had gone outside after hearing someone yelling in pain. A traveling merchant had wandered far from Reunion and had gotten attacked by a beast.
- After healing the merchant she realized her mistake and knew she couldn't return to her family so she traveled with the merchant back to Kugane where she studied medicine and honed her white magic skills to earn her own way in society.- She has recently trained in other studies of magic and expanded her knowledge in botany and alchemy to learn various ways to treat people.

Shrine Attendants

Shrine Attendant: Vjytkaluette Dei Select Name

Npc Shrine Attendants

Shrine Attendant: Katsuna Ishikawa Select Name

The Seven Virtues

Gi – Justice or Integrity- This is ensuring that the individual has the right way and mindset when making decisions – that they have the power to decide swiftly.- It is to guarantee that the person avoids indecisiveness and that decisions are based on the proper reasons.
Yu – Courage- Yu is focused on ensuring that an individual does and has the courage to do the right thing, not what others expect them to do.- If a person is raised particularly, they have their own beliefs that they follow and have the courage to do.————————————————Jin – Mercy or Benevolence- As great warriors, samurai have the right power to kill; yet due to the Bushido, Jin is to ensure that their mind and thinking is balanced – having mercy and sympathy at the proper situation.————————————————Rei – Respect- Based on the belief of a samurai, it is important that they respect and be polite towards everything.- Their way of life meant they should be respectful of elders, respect life, and respect the belief of others.————————————————Makoto – Honesty- Honesty was always vital since the warriors believe that honesty in everything they do will acquire respect. It would also mean that they are trustworthy.————————————————Meiyo – Honor- Living and dying with great honor was vital to every samurai warrior. Everything they did was with great honor; meaning, everything that they did based on their belief was with honor.————————————————Chugi – Loyalty- Another vital aspect of the Bushido was loyalty. The samurai treated each other just like family and would safeguard and help their fellow warriors.- This was important because it meant they could trust each other, knowing that they would be loyal despite the circumstances.****


  • A place to worship & cleansing along with meditation .


A very old martial art, created to defend against other martial clans that constantly attacked clan Ashitaka. This style consists of three parts. Kendo, Kyudo & Fist of the Fang.


Eastern form of swordsmanship with two-handed bokuto, developed as a safe form of sword training.


A eastern martial art of archery.

Fist of the Fang

Full-contact martial art based on striking, grappling and ground fighting, incorporating techniques from various combat arts.

Shrine Maiden/Student

Katsuna Ishikawa

Age: 24
Gender: Female Raen
Physical Appearance:
Height: 4 Fulm 10 Ilms
Weight: 120 Ponze
Eye color: Pale white (Blind)
Hair color: Shiny onyx black
Complexion: Naturally pale
Tattoos/body Modification/scars: None showing.
Peaceful/violent: Peaceful, Katsuna practices Kyudo martial arts with focus on traditional techniques. She merely uses Kyudo as a continued art form, a disciplined escape from her troubled past. Her skills are exceptional for that of a blind Raen.
Weapon of choice: Yumi and Ya when practicing
Style of combat: Was taught Reishakei, ceremonial style Kyudo by her late father, it’s what she still continues to practice to this day.
Hooks• Cursed
Katsuna bares the weight of a cursed soul, misfortune always seeming to follow every step she takes. While always putting on a false front, Katsuna chooses to hide this part of her from everyone she comes close to. Wishing not to subject those she loves to the curse within, choosing to face her own demons head on instead.
• Devoted Shrine Maiden by day, Graceful Geiko by night…
Katsuna finds herself living a dual life. Her time as Miko only providing a touch of solace, an opportunity to find calm and do right by the Kami for her past mistakes hoping to be worthy of their protection even if she felt like she didn’t deserve it. While as Geiko she finds herself hosting and entertaining dangerous company in the Yakuza underbelly of Kugane and Shirogane. While profitable, she willingly subjects herself to that dark world in hopes of reuniting with her lost friend and Geiko sister, Sakura. She strictly keeps these two lives completely separate from one another.
• Sightless
Born blind Katsuna “sees” using typical blind methods as well as with the help of a seeing eye hawk. Her other senses are greatly heightened, and because of this can easily navigate familiar areas, can sometimes sense deception in a person’s voice. She is also able to subtly detect pain/injury from a person's heartbeat and breath. She is still very flawed but adapts very well for her condition.

Shrine Maiden/Student

Vjytkaluette Dei

Age: 201
Gender: Female
Physical Appearance:
Height: 6 Fulm 3 Ilms
Weight: 220 pnz
Eye color: Amber
Hair color: Naturally white with yellow accents, but known to have it dyed plum purple
Complextion: Brown/tan
Tattoos/body Modification/scars: Scars on rear right shoulder sustained from spear wounds
Peaceful/violent: Peaceful
Weapon of choice: Geomancy constructs - not permitted to use pre-made physical weapons
Style of combat:
• Defensive - [skills] focused on protecting allies or making use of terrain.
• Offensive - [skills] of geomancy used to debuff or impede enemies.
• Addition - over 5 year practitioner of Ashitaka Dojo's fang style way of the fist.- Native Viera from Golmore Jungle in Ivalice prior to the IVth Legion invasion, held a leading position with 3 other Viera in the Golmore Jungle as Matron Geomancer.- Taken in to Ashitaka dojo at the end of the last calamity, trained with Hiro in the Fang style.- Style of geomancy seen only in Ivalice used by Viera of the Golmore Jungle - extremely earth/terrain aspected compared to Hingan geomancy, changes the users astral aether balance to earth affinity.


Kitara Carosse

Gender: Female Hyur
Physical Appearance:
Height: 5 Fulms 6 Ilms
Weight: 176 Ponze
Eye color: Dark Blue
Hair color: Golden Blond
Complexion: Fair/Light Tan
Tattoos/body Modification/scars: None
Peaceful/violent: Friendly and respectful unless otherwise provoked
Weapon of choice: Bare fists
Style of combat:
• Fist of Rhalgr
• Fist of the Fang
- Skilled as a jeweler and seamstress; Also currently learning leatherwork via self-study.
- Native of Ul’dah / Eager to learn about the rest of the world and its varied cultures.- Always willing to test her strength and skills against others but does not openly seek out conflict.


Gardener: [****
****]() Select Name


Hiroko Hayashi

Age: 19
Gender: Female
Physical Appearance:
Height: 5 Fulm 0 Ilms
Weight: 120 Ponze
Eye color: Red with bright red limbal rings
Hair color: Light Green
Complextion: Darker skin tone
Tattoos/body Modification/scars: None
Peaceful/violent: If needed, she will not hold back unless told otherwise. She was trained to not hesitate on the field of battle
Weapon of choice: Bows and daggers
Style of combat:
• Archery and
• Ninjutsu
(sometimes both at the same time)
- Mother was a ninja who was part of Lord Kaien's inner circle until the fall of Doma, taught Hiroko many life lessons, including basic and advanced schooling, philosophy, and ninjutsu.
- Father was an archer in the Confederacy of the Ruby Sea who had left the confines of Sui-no-Sato due to feelings of complacency. He fell in love with Hiroko's mother and left the Confederacy for a little bit to live within Namai, until Garlean rule proved to have too much reach, at which point the family moved to Isari, and her father joined back up with the Confederacy, while also teaching Hiroko ways to hunt and keep herself safe. After a while, that became worrisome as well, forcing them to head to Kugane, where they would part ways soon after in order to protect the safety of Hiroko and her parents.- Hiroko was given a note with a place to go by her mother before she left her, this note leading her to the dojo. The reason for this note may be due to the nature of what is currently going on with the clan.


Mjara Wolfheart

Age: 38
Gender: Female
Physical Appearance:
(Toned physique)
Height: 6 Fulm 3 Ilms
Weight: Around 195 Ponze
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Blonde
Complextion: Tanned
Tattoos/body Modification/scars: Mjara has a lot of scars.
Peaceful/violent: Depends on the day.
Weapon of choice: Yes.
Style of combat:
• Heavily armored!
- Blacksmithing-focused! Mjara can make her own weapons and equipment.
- Ala Mhigan Occupation / Survivors: Mjara survived the war and escaped Gyr Abania in the middle of it. With proper communication, maybe we can say you recognize her.- Mjara loves food. Bring food.


Lunamaria Alacrius

Gender: Female
Race: Au'ra, Xaela
Physical Appearance:
Height: 5 Fulms, 2 Ilms
Weight: 97 Ponze
Eye color: Sapphire
Hair color: Lilac
Complexion: Deep Blue
Physique: Lithe
Tattoos/body Modification/scars: None... As of yet.
Peaceful/violent: Friendly and respectful, until she senses betrayal, or a loved one or innocent is endangered
Weapon of choice:
• Uchigatana
• Bokuto
• Kendo
- Quite protective of her unusually sensitive scales which are the subject of constant teasing by those aware.
- Is studying Hingan culture, despite being Xaela.- Is a capable mage in her own right, if unorthodox.


Zeral Belid

Species: Miqo'te
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Physical Appearance:
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 110 lbs
Eye color: Icy Blue
Hair color: Black with red highlights (the highlights might be important for story)
Complextion: Desert-born
Tattoos/body Modification/scars: Tattoos up her arms and across her back that have runes in them. These runes empower Zeral's spells. She also now has an Archon mark that adorns her left cheek.
Peaceful/violent: Yes
Weapon of choice:
• Tome
• Staff
• Dagger that can be enhanced by magic, also recently the katana
• Two forms- Medic/Debuffer (Peaceful)
• Taiyo no Kodai
• Rokuri no Kiba
- Ancient Knowledge: Zeral loves nothing more to learn about ancient knowledge and ancient civilizations. By studying the past, she hopes to help pave the way for a brighter future.
- Ancient Knowledge: Zeral's Echo and Ancient awakening has given her the ability to remember her past lives, including her life as an Ancient
Magic Studies - Zeral loves to study magic, both new and old, and has dedicated a lot of her time to poring over tomes and talking to people in remote places about how they use magic.
- Protector: Zeral has a hard time looking away from a person in need. Should a need arise, she will help as much as she can, even if her help doesn't amount to what is needed.


We are looking for Rpers that enjoy martial arts training with Kendo, Kyudo, and Fist of the Fang(H2H). Though open to find other martial arts to add to the list of styles the dojo offers. We are also in search of well trained warriors to Rp Sensei’s, the Dojo, along with many other positions like, Physicians, Shrine Maidens, Clothiers, etc…


Have the dojo up and running with classes, training, adventuring, and slice of life.